Application For Rebate For Unoccupied Building


Application for Rebate For Unoccupied Building

1.    Service Name:

Application for Rebate For Unoccupied Building / Building Under Repair

2.    Introduction:

(A) Rebate for vacant, unoccupied and unused building:

Property owners can apply for a reduction or rebate of assessment rates if their property / building is vacant, unoccupied and unused for a period of not less than 3 consecutive months. The property owner / ratepayer has to comply with conditions stipulated in Regulations 5, Local Authorities (Rating) Regulations, 1997 in order to be eligible for rebate of assessment rates.

Conditions to be fulfilled for Rebate for Unoccupied Building (Regulation 5, Local Authorities (Rating) Regulations, 1997:

(i)     The building is not undergoing alteration of repair, remains unoccupied and unused for a period of not less than three consecutive months;

(ii)    That such building is in good repair and fit for occupation;

(iii)  That every reasonable effort to obtain a tenant has been made;

(iv)  That the rent demanded is a reasonable one; and

(v)    That the building has been vacant during the whole period for which the rebate is claimed.

(B) Rebate for Building Under Repair or Alteration:

Property owners can also apply for a reduction or rebate of assessment rates if their building  is undergoing alteration or repair and remains unoccupied for a  period of not less than 3 consecutive months. The property owner / ratepayer has to comply with conditions stipulated in Regulations 6, Local Authorities (Rating) Regulations, 1997 in order to be eligible for rebate of assessment rates.

Conditions to be fulfilled for Rebate for Building Under Repair (Regulation 6, Local Authorities (Rating) Regulations, 1997:

(i)     The alteration or repair work  works is approved by the Council’s Building Division;

(ii)    Every such claim shall be made not later than 15 days after the alteration or repair has been certified as completed by the Council’s Building Division; and

(iii)  Claims shall state the dates of commencement and completion of the alteration or repair, evidenced by Form C and Form F submitted to the Council’ s Building Division

Property owners are required to settle the assessment rates first as any rebate granted with be credited to the following year’s assessment rate or refunded.

Property owners are also advised to give notice or apply for rebate within 14 days of the commencement of the period for which the rebate is applied/claimed.
3.    What you'll need (Check List)

(A) Apply for Rebate in writing or using the Application Form for Rebate For Unoccupied Building

Required to comply with at least one of the following conditions with supporting documents and photos attached:

a)     “To Let” signboard/notice is displayed at the conspicuous place of the premises; or

b)     Advertisement “For Rent” has been published in the newspaper mentioning the Property such as Lot No. or House No. of the subject holding.  (Proof by original newspaper cutting); or

c)     Assign Estate Agent to look for tenant (Proof by certified letter from Estate Agent); or

d)     Any other efforts to obtain the tenants (Documents of proof is needed)

Proof of (b) or (c) or (d) must be sent to the Council within 3 months from the date of your rebate application.

(B) Apply for Rebate For Building Under Repair in writing or using the Application Form for Rebate For Building Under Repair

Required to comply with the following conditions and attached supporting documents:

(i)     The alteration or repair work  works is approved by the Council Building Division;

(ii)    Every such claim shall be made not later than 15 days after the alteration or repair has been certified as completed by the Council Building Division; and

(iii)  Claims shall state the dates of commencement and completion of the alteration or repair, evidenced by Form C and Form F submitted to the Council’s Building Division.

Property owners are advised to give notice or apply for rebate within 14 days of the commencement of the period for which the rebate is applied/claimed.
Property owners are also advised to apply for rebate on a yearly basis to be eligible for consideration of rebate by the Council.
4.    How to get the service

Apply over the Counters at MPP:

Apply for rebate by post or in person at MPP Counters.

2.   You can Download and complete the Application Form – PDF.

5.    Who's eligible

(i)     Registered proprietor / owner (name registered in the land title)

(ii)    Purchaser (Rate payer whose name has not been registered yet in the land title - by virtue of supporting documents)

6.    Things to keep in mind
Application takes up to 21 days to process.

Property owners are required to settle the assessment rates first as any rebate granted with be credited to the following year’s assessment rate or refunded.
7.    Payment methods:

Free of Charge

8.    Need helps?

We’re happy to help you with this transaction.

Feel free to call us on 082-615566 (Valuation & Rating Division, MPP)

or visit the MPP Counters @ Kota Padawan