Application For Exemption From Payment Of Assessment Rates


Application For Exemption From Payment Of Assessment Rates

1.   Service Name:

Application For Remission / Exemption From Payment Of Assessment Rates

2.    Introduction:

Under Regulation 7 of the Local Authorities (Rating) Regulation, 1997 the Council can exempt in whole or in part, from the payment of assessment rates if the ratepayers are in a state of poverty.

3.    What you'll need (Check List)
Applicant  details
Copy of MyKad  or other official identification document
Copy of Welfare Aid Card from Social Welfare Department of Sarawak or Copy of Registration as a handicapped person / Kad Orang Kurang Upaya 
  1. Attach salary slip if any
  2. Copy of utilities bills (electricity and water)
  3. Application For Remission/Exemption Of Assessment Rates Form duly filled and certified by Ketua Kampung / Ketua Kaum / Penghulu / Councillor
4.    How to get the service

Apply over the Counters at MPP:

Apply for remission / exemption from payment of assessment rates by post or in person at MPP Counters and provide the required documentation.
You can Download and complete the Application Form – PDF.


5.    Who's eligible

Factors to be considered by the Council before granting remission of rates are:

Applicant or family members living the same household are living below the poverty level and receives aid from Social Welfare Department of Sarawak / Non-Governmental  Organisation
Applicant is handicapped and living in poverty
Applicant has illness (mental problem / health problem) and living in poverty
Applicant has no benefactor, is elderly and living in poverty (old age / neglected by children)
The house is in poor condition or poor living condition
Other cases deemed fit to be granted remission of rates by the Council
6.    Things to keep in mind
Application takes up to 21 days to process.
Application for remission / exemption from payment of rates must be made on a yearly basis as the Council has to assess the eligibility of the applicant every year.
7.    Payment methods

Free of Charge

8.    Need help?

We’re happy to help you with this transaction.

Feel free to call us on 082 -615566 (Valuation & Rating Division, MPP)

or visit the MPP Counters @ Kota Padawan