Application For Transfer Of Ownership For Billing Purposes


Application for Transfer of Ownership for Billing Purposes

1.   Service Name:

Application for Transfer of Ownership for Assessment Billing Purposes

2.    Introduction:

Section 87 of the Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 states that whenever any rateable holding within a local authority/council area is sold/transferred or when the owner of any rateable holding dies, it shall be the duty of the seller/transferor and the purchaser/ transferee or person becoming the owner by succession to give notice of transfer of ownership to the local authority.

This is to ensure that the assessment rate bills are issued to the correct owner(s).

Provisions in  Section 87, Local Authorities Ordinance, 1996 on Notice of Transfer of Rateable Holdings:

(i)        Duty of seller or transferor and purchaser or transferee to notify the local authority in Form F within 3 months after such sale or transfer

(ii)       Duty of person becoming the owner by succession to notify the local authority in Form G within 1 year of death

(iii)      On receipt of such notice the local authority may require production of instruments effecting change of ownership

(iv)      Every person who fails to give any notice under this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of RM2,000.00


3.    What you'll need (Check List)

Required to supply the following documents before the Council can change ownership of rateable holdings for assessment billing purposes:

- For holdings / properties with document of title:

(i)        Copy of Land Title; or

(ii)       Copy of Land Title Extract; or

(iii)      Copy of Letter of Administration; or

(iv)      Copy of Memorandum of Transfer; or

(v)       Copy of Sale and Purchase Agreement; or

(vi)      Form F: Notice of Sale or Transfer; or

(vii)    Form G: Notice of Transmission.

- For kampung houses without land title:

(i)   Application Form for Transfer of Ownership and

(ii)  Letter from Ketua Kampung / Penghulu


4.    How to get the service

Apply over the Counters at MPP:

Apply for the service by post or in person at MPP Counters and provide the required documentation.

- If application in person at MPP Counters, the transfer of ownership can be done immediately.

- If the application is made by post, the processing of transfer of ownership may take up to 14 days.

You can Download and complete the (Form F: Notice of Sale or Transfer) or (Form G: Notice of Transmission) or (Application Form for Transfer of Ownership)


5.    Who's eligible / Who can apply

(i)        Registered proprietor / owner (name registered in the land title)

(ii)       Purchaser (Rate payer whose name has not been registered yet in the land title-by virtue of other supporting documents or house owner does not own the land)

Purchasers (Sale & Purchase Agreement)
Successful bidders in auction sales (memorandum of Contract)
Administrator (Letter of Administration)
Occupiers (owns the building but not the land usually relatives of land owners)
  • · Trustee ( does not own the land or building but appointed to take charge of the holding-letter of appointment)
  • Representative ( does not own the land or building but taking charge the holding-notice in writing)

(iii)      Sublease (name registered in land title as sublease)

(iv)      Beneficial owners (for strata titles where titles not yet issued)

(v)       Kampung houses without land title / on NCR land: Owner of house with Letter from Ketua Kampung / Penghulu


6.    Things to keep in mind

Arrears of assessment rates must be paid before the Council can transfer ownership.
To transfer ownership for billing purposes to be done immediately over the counters at Majlis Perbandaran Padawan, the supporting documents must be attached.


7.    Payment methods:

Free of Charge

8.    Need help?

We’re happy to help you with this transaction.

Feel free to call us on 082 -615566 (Valuation & Rating Division, MPP)

or visit the MPP Counters @ Kota Padawan