*Client Charter Achievement is updated Quarterly*

Client Charter Jan-Mar April-Jun Jul-Sept Okt-Dec
a) MPP is committed to provide efficient, fast and friendly customer services 99.34% 99.07% 99.66% 99.50%
b) Customers at MPP Customer Service Centre shall be entertained  within 20 minutes 91.12% 87.42% 83.19% 88.59%
c) Acknowledgement of receipt of public complaint shall be done within 1 working day  100% 100% 100.00% 100%
d) The Council shall feedback to the complainant on action(s) taken/ actions to be taken within 3 working days  from the date of receipt of the complaint 100% 100% 100% 100%
d) The Council shall feedback to the complainant on action(s) taken/ actions to be taken within 3 working days  from the date of receipt 18%      
All official claims by the suppliers and contractors shall be paid within 14 working days from the date the claims are received, on condition that all relevant documents are provided correct and certified by the officers concerned. 96% 100% 100% 100%
Application for Certificate of Clearance of Indebtedness Form G (1) shall be issued within 2 working days on condition that the arrears and current half year rates are paid and the application is accompanied with a copy of the document of title. 97.16% 97.39% 97.58% 97.85%
Holdings shall be referenced and valued for rating purposes within 60 working days from the date of issuance of the Occupation Permit. 100% 100% 100.00% 100%
Holdings shall be fairly valued for rating purposes.  Any objection to Amendment To Valuation List shall be heard within the specified time frame. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Grass Cutting, Drain Clearing & Sweeping Services        
Frequency of Grass Cutting Services:         
a. Village  - Once a Month 100% 100.00% 99.63% 99.97%
b. Shophouses, Industrial & Residential  –  Twice a month
Frequency of Drain Clearing Services:         
a) Village, Industrial & Residential - Once a month 100% 99.65% 99.92% 99.96%
b) Commercial & Shop houses - Once in four (4) month
Frequency Sweeping Services:         
a) Commercial / shop houses - Twice a day 97% 99.50% 96.8% 99.15%
Frequency of Desludging services :        
Desludging of septic tank shall be carried out within 7 working days upon receipt of application. 100% 100% 100.00% 98.73%
All Complaints pertaining to stray dogs and removal of dog carcasses shall be attended to within 3 working days after the said complaint is received. 100% 100% 100.00% 100%
All Public Toilets are cleaned at least once a day. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Process and approve applications for 18 types of miscellaneous occupation licences within fourteen (14) working days provided that all supporting documents are complete and all the Council’s and Health requirements are complied with 100% 100% 100% 100%
Process and approve applications for other types of miscellaneous occupation licences within 30 working days provided that all supporting documents are complete and all the Council’s and Health requirements are complied with 100% 100% 100% 100%
Renewal of miscellaneous occupation licences (entertainment/lottery/reflexology) shall be processed and approved within 14 working days if all the conditions are complied with. 60% 100% 100% 100%
Fogging shall be carried out within 24 hours upon receipt of notification of any Dengue Case from Kuching Divisional Health Office 100% 100% N/A 88.90%
Advertisement Permits shall be processed and approved within 7 working days if all conditions are complied with. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Maintenance of Council's Recreational Parks and Playgrounds - twice a month 100% 100% 100% 100%
Domestic rubbish shall be collected at least twice a week in accordance with the schedule 94% 92% 97% 98%
Inspection for food premises: Once a year 82.50% 89.17% 76.67% 100%
Processing and approval of the following applications:-        
(a) - (d) on condition all documents are complete and complied with Council's and other agencies conditions and requirements.        
a. Road permit - 7 working days from the date of payment of the maintenance deposit. 100% 100% 100% 100%
b. Engineering Plan (1st Comment from MPP)  -  30 working days. 100% 100% 100% 100%
c. Road Completion Certificate - 7 working days after payment of maintenance deposit. 100% 100% 100% 100%
d. Site Inspection -  14 working days after receiving handover maintenance notice from the developer. 85.70% 100% 100% 90.91%
Council’s development projects  shall be completed within the year 0% 2.00% 21.60% 98.00%
Road and drain maintenance in scheduled areas shall be completed within the year  28.47% 59.10% 96.4% 96.40%
Processing and approval of the following applications:-        
(a) - (c) on condition all documents are complete and complied with Council's and other agencies conditions and requirements.        
a. Building Plan (New Building) - 40 working days. 100% 100% 95.05% 100%
b. Building Plan (Amendment) - 40 working days 100% 100% 33% 100%
c. Occupational Permit - 2 working days 100% 85% 100% 100%
Application for trimming of trees maintained by Council shall be carried out within 1 month 63% 96.30% 94% 75%
Application for support letter for the parking of heavy vehicle (for approval by Lembaga Pelesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP)) shall be processed within 7 working days on condition that the supporting documents are provided 100% 100% 100% 100%
New books shall be processed and displayed for borrowing within 1 month from the date of receipt of the books 100% 100.00% N/A 100%
Dikemaskini pada 07/10/2021 91.02% 94.31% 91.96% 97.97%