Message From Padawan Municipal Council's Acting Secretary


Message From Padawan Municipal Council's Acting Secretary


Welcome to the Official Website of the Padawan Municipal Council (known as Majlis Perbandaran Padawan in Bahasa Malaysia and in short as MPP). I am honoured to be given the opportunity to serve as the Acting Municipal Secretary of MPP since 1 February 2023. MPP is a unique local authority located in the periphery of Kuching City with an area of 984.34 sq. km. Its area of jurisdiction comprises the urban, suburban and the rural areas of Kuching. The properties in MPP are mainly residential properties (approximately 90% of the total properties in MPP are residential) and the Padawan Municipality is home to the majority of the people of Kuching.

MPP is about three times the size of Kuching City. With ample land, MPP area is developing at a fast pace with an average increase of 3% in the number of properties annually or an average increase of 2,500 properties a year. With the huge number of residential properties in MPP, it is vital that MPP provides quality municipal services to the residents in its area.

MPP formerly known at the Kuching Rural District Council (KRDC) was created to provide municipal services to the people. Its core functions are to provide municipal services such as road maintenance, drain maintenance refuse collection, grass cutting and drain clearing services, street lighting, waste management, town cleanliness, public health services (licensing, food hygiene in coffee shops and eateries, vector control), landscaping and provision of facilities such as markets, trading venues and a clean and sustainable environment for all.

Having served in MPP for more than 30 years, MPP has grown by leaps and bounds since its KRDC days. Nonetheless, the expectations of the public are increasing and MPP likewise has to improve its manner of management and operations through privatisation of services, improvement on the monitoring of services and works carried out by its contractors, digitalisation and engagement with the local communities and residents.

The Sarawak Government envision that by 2030, Sarawak will be a thriving society driven by data and innovation where everyone enjoys economic prosperity, social inclusivity and sustainable environment.

MPP’s vision is to be an efficient and sustainable Padawan Municipality. The Council’s goal is to advance the quality of life of the people by providing efficient municipal services levering on community participation. By this the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Councillors of MPP and the staff of MPP pledge to do our level best to provide efficient municipal services and ensure a sustainable environment for all. We know we cannot achieve this goal alone. We seek the cooperation and participation of all residents in the MPP to ensure good living for all in the Padawan Municipality.

On behalf of MPP, I hope that you have an enjoyable and informative visit to our website.




Acting Municipal Secretary
Padawan Municipal Council